OMG! My last entry was in August! (This exclamation sounds gay doesn't it?)
Honestly, I was not busy at all. I'm just too lazy to update this blog, and if I did update, no one will read it anyway since it will be boring. There's really nothing interesting and exciting to write about. The most exciting thing happening to me this past few months was the arrival of Soleh, but unlike my first, Syifaak, the excitement is slightly (very, very slightly, as in nano-slightly. I promise!) less because I've already knew what to expect. So, writing the 'Soleh experience' seems to be redundant for me. You wouldn't want to read boring redundant stuff, would you? Besides, you'd probably be too occupied with Facebook to read this.
So, why am I writing this now? Most probably because I've just added that Facebook badge which you can see at the right side of this page. Cool isn't it? In case you want to be my 'friend', you can add me from here. I approve ALL friend requests, except from weird guys I don't know of. Ladies, feel free to do so and after I've approved your friend request, don't start acting weird, OK?
By weird, I mean weird like calling me names just because I don't want to join your MLM schemes or sending me messages asking about someone I've lost contact with just because I've mention about him or her in my blog once or start posting sexy pictures of yourself and start tagging me. Exception is given to the last one but other behaviors I consider weird will be tolerated based on the degree of your attractiveness.
Marriage Tips: Keep attractive ladies as your friends to keep your wife jealousy in check. But don't push it.
BTW, it seems like Facebook is the 'in' internet thing now although one particular politician who happened to have the same alma mater as me wanted it banned. Another younger, more controversial politician, on the other hand, wanted to conduct course on Facebook for the Ketua Kampungs from his parlimentary constituency. Well, it sounds amusing, but the reality is, a lot of the older generations of Malaysia are not familiar with this Social network, They are much more familiar with the elusive Social Contract, but that's not a bad thing at all. I would rather have the older generations argue and bicker among themselves about it in the traditional media - TV, newspapers, radio, blogs - than start flooding into Facebook.
The more people joining Facebook, the less fun it will be and based on the principle of Normal Distribution, bigger population mean higher chances of morons to appear to annoy you. You don't even realized that the morons are among your friends until they do something like tagging you in the picture of the 'Dodora Nipple Cream' that they are selling. If this is not strong enough a reason to be annoyed, I don't know what is.
The next online 'in' thing for me now is Twitter . I actually created my account in January last year, but didn't see the need or the fun to use it until only recently. I just hope the same morons will not start using it and discover a way to make it annoying.
In Twitter, you can 'follow' people that you like who set their 'tweet' as public but the people you're 'following' will not see what you 'tweet' unless they are also 'following' you or if they click on your 'timeline', provided your timeline setting is not private. Anyone can follow you, but you dont have to follow them in return. Unless of course they're your family members or close friends which you'd be obliged to follow eventhough they're in the same category as the morons I was talking about, then... I supposed you'd better go back to Friendster.
*crick crick, crick crick*
Anyone still using that?
Love means never having to say you're sorry.
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