Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fifteen years ago, I was fourteen.

Effective 1st September 2011, I'm officially out of the Human Resources Dept. Hence, this blog title becomes obsolete.

I'm transferred to the Maintenance Dept. I'll be looking after the Company's Maintenance Management System, which is basically a complex SAP database system which I'm a bit intimidated by right now. Probably this is the first step if I ever going back to being technical and make use of the Mechanical Engineering degree I've worked so hard (yeah, right) for five years to get.

Since I'm no longer an HR person, nor am I an engineer, I'll be closing this sorry chapter of this blog and start a new one. Fresh, from my newly acquired PC, which was purchased with only two things in mind - Starcraft 2 and claiming this year's tax exemption.

My Inspiron 1420 is as good as dead with flickering screen, random shutdown and the infinite wifi adaptor error message prompt. But it has served me well for three years, but I cannot revive it back to its glorious days, heh.

I'm still comtemplating the theme, content, language for the new blog. I'm still not sure whether I can update it as frequent as Effi's #blogserius or just let it be just another sand grain blog in the beach of the internet (yes, lame, I know) but claiming to have a blog once in a while feels good.

So, see you in the new blog!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fourteen Horizontal Stripes and Points of Yellow Star

Posted this question on twitter with regards to #Bersih 2.0:

"objectively speaking, sapa yang paling untung apabila demo #bersih ini diadakan 9 july ni?"

Choice of answers:

  • a) rakyat malaysia kerana election akan lebih adil dan telus
  • b) anwar ibrahim sebab dapat sidetrack issue skandal seks dan sodomi 2.0
  • c) RT @_Acat_: @msayuti politically, its the opposition. gahmen is making it so easy for them to score points.
  • d) RT @maybl8r99: @msayuti objectively speaking - you and your future generations #bersih #bersih2
  • e) peniaga t-shirt bersih
  • f) RT @lati0s: @msayuti f) pengusaha bas ekspres
  • g) RT @TsirAhXuan: @msayuti g) International news station: Jual berita pasal Malaysia
  • h) najib razak sebab dia boleh declare emergency dan buat ikut suka hati macam arwah bapak dia.
  • i) bik mama, sebab (h)
  • j) penjenayah sebab polis sibuk tangkap lawyer n activist
  • k) ambiga, sebab nanti orang ingat dia power. boleh masuk politik. eh, dia bukan orang politik ke?
  • l) FRU, sebab boleh la menggunakan peralatan anti rusuhan. takde la berkarat
  • m) kuasa asing, komunisme, kristian (insert others as claimed by utusan malaysia)
  • n) syarikat minyak. sebab bila demo, jem. bila jem, kereta banyak pakai minyak.
Cukup la tu sikit-sikit pilihan jawapan. Nanti pening pulak nak pilih. BTW, talian hayat tidak dibekalkan. Terima kasih.

p/s: fuh, terupdate juga akhirnya. Screw English/Bahasa Kebangsaan. SMS Spelling a-la Rempit jew, yew, lew is the new lingua franca y'all.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thirteen is not always an unlucky number

OMG! My last entry was in August! (This exclamation sounds gay doesn't it?)

Honestly, I was not busy at all. I'm just too lazy to update this blog, and if I did update, no one will read it anyway since it will be boring. There's really nothing interesting and exciting to write about. The most exciting thing happening to me this past few months was the arrival of Soleh, but unlike my first, Syifaak, the excitement is slightly (very, very slightly, as in nano-slightly. I promise!) less because I've already knew what to expect. So, writing the 'Soleh experience' seems to be redundant for me. You wouldn't want to read boring redundant stuff, would you? Besides, you'd probably be too occupied with Facebook to read this.


So, why am I writing this now? Most probably because I've just added that Facebook badge which you can see at the right side of this page. Cool isn't it? In case you want to be my 'friend', you can add me from here. I approve ALL friend requests, except from weird guys I don't know of. Ladies, feel free to do so and after I've approved your friend request, don't start acting weird, OK?

By weird, I mean weird like calling me names just because I don't want to join your MLM schemes or sending me messages asking about someone I've lost contact with just because I've mention about him or her in my blog once or start posting sexy pictures of yourself and start tagging me. Exception is given to the last one but other behaviors I consider weird will be tolerated based on the degree of your attractiveness.

Marriage Tips: Keep attractive ladies as your friends to keep your wife jealousy in check. But don't push it.

BTW, it seems like Facebook is the 'in' internet thing now although one particular politician who happened to have the same alma mater as me wanted it banned. Another younger, more controversial politician, on the other hand, wanted to conduct course on Facebook for the Ketua Kampungs from his parlimentary constituency. Well, it sounds amusing, but the reality is, a lot of the older generations of Malaysia are not familiar with this Social network, They are much more familiar with the elusive Social Contract, but that's not a bad thing at all. I would rather have the older generations argue and bicker among themselves about it in the traditional media - TV, newspapers, radio, blogs - than start flooding into Facebook.

The more people joining Facebook, the less fun it will be and based on the principle of Normal Distribution, bigger population mean higher chances of morons to appear to annoy you. You don't even realized that the morons are among your friends until they do something like tagging you in the picture of the 'Dodora Nipple Cream' that they are selling. If this is not strong enough a reason to be annoyed, I don't know what is.

The next online 'in' thing for me now is Twitter . I actually created my account in January last year, but didn't see the need or the fun to use it until only recently. I just hope the same morons will not start using it and discover a way to make it annoying.

In Twitter, you can 'follow' people that you like who set their 'tweet' as public but the people you're 'following' will not see what you 'tweet' unless they are also 'following' you or if they click on your 'timeline', provided your timeline setting is not private. Anyone can follow you, but you dont have to follow them in return. Unless of course they're your family members or close friends which you'd be obliged to follow eventhough they're in the same category as the morons I was talking about, then... I supposed you'd better go back to Friendster.

*crick crick, crick crick*

Anyone still using that?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Twelve months... and I missed June and July

What can I say for myself?

Nothing. I really have nothing to blog about. Life is pretty much routine now.

Even updating status in Facebook becomes less and less frequent now.

This blog will be abandoned for a while.

There goes this year's resolution.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Eleven players each side, but what's the point?

Islam is supposed to be a simple enough religion for all. Somehow, some people - mostly Muslims (and scholars) tend to make it seems so complicated that many tend to back away from it.

AFAIK, in order for you to become a Muslim, you only need to comply with the five pillars - Profess the Shahadah (declaration that there is no other god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger), pray five times a day, fast during Ramadhan, pay the Zakat (a portion of your money to help the poor, or for charity), and performing the Haj (pilgrimage to Mekah) if you have the capability and resources. A few Muslim sect believe that the fifth pillar is Jihad (holy struggle), based on certain dalil (reasonings based on Quran and hadith).

When you become a Muslim, you have to be a Mukmin (man of faith) as well, by believing in the six pillars of faith - Believe in Him (Allah), believe in His Archangels, believe in His Books, believe in His prophets and messengers, believe in the End of Days (aka Judgement Day) and believe in Qada' and Qadar (His Decree and the Destiny He has set).

Islam becomes complicated when people start to ask how and why to the most tedious and trivial things.

The prophet Muhammad gave the simplest answer for the "how". Just follow his lead and refer to the Quran and his sunnah (habit or usual practice). The sunnah is naratted through Hadith (reports, stories or statement made by the people who live in the prophet's era). When in doubt, consult someone who have better knowledge than you.

For the "why", there are those which the Quran and Hadith give specific answers and reasonings to, while there are some which we need to think for ourselves. However, when you can't find or think of any other answer, Islam has already provide the generic answer (which some critics calls the 'escape' answer) - that is "it is Allah's Will", so, "sami' na wa atho' na" (we hear and we obey).

However, the simplicity does not mean we can be simplistic. We need to always seek knowledge and if somehow we found something to be so complicated, go back to the basic. Always remember the five pillars of Islam and the six pillars of Faith.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ten is the sum of the digits in my age

When I started blogging, I was only 23, and I was bored. I had to channel that boredom into something productive.

Now, I'm 28, but I'm still bored. I'm already 'productive', so I blog less.

Unlike some people I know, I really don't have any clever opinions to write about. My life story is boring (that's why I'm bored) and I find it hard to write something argumentative because I would end up counter-arguing my own arguments. If I did write something argumentative, either the entry become too long (which no one will read ~ tl:dr) or it will not be written at all (because the points become pointless).

However, I still like to challenge other people's opinion through argumentative comments. Not that I want them to accept the points I'm putting forth, or trying to put down their opinion, or to win the argument; I just want to see how they think, or how they really see it, or how they build up the opinion in the first place or how strongly they will hold on to their opinion.

Before I started blogging, I was actually not this way. I would usually argue because I disagree with the other person's opinion. I was usually either defensive or offensive, never really open or 'agreeing to disagree'. My main goal was always to win the argument. If I failed to win the argument, I would definitely hold on to my opinion and try my best to show how the other person's view is 'wrong' or flawed.

I believe employment, married life and fatherhood changed me. When I entered these different phases in life, my behavior, how I think, how I react, my emotional control, somehow changed. I'm listening or reading more now than I'm talking or writing. I seek to understand rather than making judgement. I prefer calm discussion over heated argument. I try to be more objective instead of becoming emotional. I usually find the positive side of things instead of lingering to the negative thoughts.

Of course, there are still times when I don't want to listen, when I argue, I become judgemental and when I'm emotional, but the frequency is much lower compared to years ago.

I believe I'm maturing. I'm still not matured, as maturity is an on-going process as long as the brain is still functioning and able to learn new things. Maturity stops when we are in our dotage or when our mental capacity starts declining. Maturity paused when we are clinging to our past and not willing to change our ways.

Let's move on. Press the play button.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nine months, and a baby will be born.

This month lack of entry (as if I've been actively posting) is probably due to:
  1. Ulam Project.
  2. I'm getting old.

Thank you.